It is an undisputed protagonist of any garden, but thoroughly enjoying it means knowing which grass to plant according to our climate or the characteristics of our garden. When we think of him, we inevitably think of that healthy-looking and stunning green mantle. And without a doubt, that’s how it should be. But achieving it involves not only knowing your needs in hot months or being transparent about the tricks to care for your Lawn in winter. It also implies correctly choosing the type of grass ideal for our space.

Defining How We Will Use The Grass

Defining How We Will Use The Grass will help us choose the correct one, understood as the one that best responds to the use we give it.

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family of plants

Like any other family of plants, within the grass category, there are many typologies. Although we only see herbs and may think they are identical, nothing could be further from the truth. They can not only be categorized according to their tolerance to cold or heat but also their resistance to use. A detail that should be known in depth when we consider which grass to plant for one reason: only by using the right one can we enjoy that green meadow we have in mind. What’s more, if we don’t do it, we will invest a lot of resources, time and even humour in a herb that will never be as we wish.

How To Know What Grass To Plant In The Garden

As we said, there are almost as many varieties as possible planting scenarios within the natural grass category. This should be known in detail when choosing our grass seeds, whether to plant a space from scratch or repopulate after winter or summer. What’s more, whether or not you have to repopulate regularly will largely depend on planting the appropriate plant species from the beginning.

Plant In The Garden

But how do you know which grass to plant in the garden? Getting our choice right depends on some fundamental aspects that rely on our garden’s characteristics and living habits. But let’s add more: the time we must dedicate to it. And in the same way that we sometimes opt for easy-to-care-for plants because we cannot pay much attention to them, we will have to do the same with the grass. While some rustic varieties hardly need our help, it is essential for survival for others.

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Grass to Plant

The climate in which we live is the starting point for knowing what grass to plant.
This is a crucial detail. To make the right choice, we must consider such essential aspects as the average winter or summer temperature and whether we live in an area marked by drought or heavy rain.
Moreover, if we live in a coastal area, we must closely examine the grass seeds we choose.

The Type Of Floor Is Another Detail That We Do Not Usually Pay Attention To

Falling into the mistake of thinking that any grass grows on any soil is synonymous with putting in a lot of work to enjoy a healthy lawn. Therefore, when choosing which grass to plant, we will have to find out the characteristics of our soil, considering such important factors as whether it is rich in nutrients or clayey.

The use that we will give it is essential to choose correctly.

Just as essential or more! Such as climate or soil type. A purely ornamental garden differs from one where you will play with a ball. Moreover, the same kind of grass is not even used for a space that is stepped on occasionally as for one that is walked on regularly.